Basic Concepts

Before diving into advanced usage and contributions, let’s review the basic concept of the library to help you get started.

What is a primitive?

A primitive is a data processing block. Along with a code that does the processing on the data, a primitive also has an associated JSON file that has a number of annotations. These annotations help automated algorithms to interpret the primitive, and data scientists to construct machine learning pipelines with proper provenance and full transparency about each individual components.

Types of Primitives

Not all primitives are the same, so in the following sections we review which types of primitives there are.

Function Primitives

The most simple type of primitives are simple functions that can be called directly, without the need to created any class instance before.

In most cases, if not all, these functions do not have any associated learning process, and their behavior is always the same both during the fitting and the predicting phases of the pipeline.

A simple example of such a primitive would be the numpy.argmax function, which expects a 2 dimensional array as input, and returns a 1 dimensional array that indicates the index of the maximum values along an axis.

Class Primitives

A more complex type of primitives are classes which need to be instantiated before they can be used.

In most cases, these classes will have an associated learning process, and they will have some fit method or equivalent that will be called during the fitting phase but not during the predicting one.

A simple example of such a primitive would be the sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler class, which is used to standardize a set of values by calculating their z-score, which means centering them around 0 and scaling them to unit variance.

This primitive has an associated learning process, where it calculates the mean and standard deviation of the training data, to later on use them to transform the prediction data to the same center and scale.

Types of Integrations

Also, primitives can be classified depending on how they are integrated into the project.

Directly integrable primitives

Some libraries already follow the fit-produce abstraction. That is, they already have several data processing building blocks that have this abstraction. A good example of these type of primitives are most of the estimators from the scikit-learn library. These building blocks usually have these characteristics:

  • Tunable hyperparameters are simple values of the supported basic types: * str * bool * int * float

  • Creating the class instance or calling the fit or produce methods does not require building any complex structure before the call is made.

  • The fitting and predicting phase consist of a single method or function call each.

In this case, no additional code is necessary to adapt them and those blocks can be brought into ml-stars using nothing else than a single JSON annotation file, which can be found in the mlstars/primitives folder.



If the code is directly usable then why create a JSON annotation file? While the code is directly usable, most building blocks do not have an associated metadata we need for automation. Usually when using scikit-learn for example, a data scientist goes through the documentation to understand different hyperparameters, their ranges and has to do a lot of manual inference before they can use them.

Primitives that require a Python adapter

The second type of primitives are the ones that need some kind of adaptation process to fit to our API, but whose behaviour is not altered in any way by this process. The type of primitives that are integrated in this way are the ones that have some of these characteristics:

  • Need some additional steps after the instantiation in order to be prepared to run.

  • The tunable hyperparameters need some kind of transformation or instantiation before they can be passed to the primitive.

  • The primitive cannot be directly applied to the inputs or the outputs, we support, and need to be manipulated in some way before they can be passed to any other primitive.

Some examples of these primitives are the Keras models, which need to be built in several steps and later on compiled before they can be used, or some image transformation primitives which need to be applied to the images one by one. These primitives consist of some Python code which can be found in the mlstars.adapters module, as well as JSON annotations that point at the corresponding functions or classes, which can also be found in the mlstars/primitives folder.


  • LightFM

  • Keras Sequential LSTMTextClassifier

  • NetworkX Graph Feature Extraction

Custom primitives

The third type are custom primitives implemented specifically for this library. These custom primitives may be implemented from scratch or they may be using third party tools in such a way as to alter the third party tool’s native behavior to add new functionalities.

This type of primitives consist of Python code that can be found inside the mlstars/custom module, as well as the corresponding JSON annotations, which can also be found in the mlstars/primitives folder.


  • Preprocessing Class Encoder

  • Vocabulary Counter

  • Text Cleaner