The Orion Database contains the following collections and fields:
A Dataset represents a group of Signals that are grouped together under a common name, which is usually defined by an external entity.
_id (ObjectID): Unique Identifier of this Dataset object
_id (ObjectID)
name (String): Name of the dataset
name (String)
entity (String): Name or Id of the entity which this dataset is associated to
entity (String)
created_by (String): Identifier of the user that created this Dataset Object
created_by (String)
insert_time (DateTime): Time when this Dataset Object was inserted
insert_time (DateTime)
The Signal collection contains all the required details to be able to load the observations from a timeseries signal, as well as some metadata about it, such as the minimum and maximum timestamps that want to be used or the user that registered it.
_id (ObjectID): Unique Identifier of this Signal object
name (String): Name of the signal
dataset_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key): Unique Identifier of the Dataset which this signal belongs to
dataset_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key)
start_time (Integer): minimum timestamp of this signal
start_time (Integer)
stop_time (Integer): maximum timestamp of this signal
stop_time (Integer)
data_location (String): URI of the dataset
data_location (String)
timestamp_column (Integer): index of the timestamp column
timestamp_column (Integer)
value_column (Integer): index of the value column
value_column (Integer)
created_by (String): Identifier of the user that created this Signal Object
insert_time (DateTime): Time when this Signal Object was inserted
The Template collection contains all the pipeline templates from which the pipelines that later on will be used to run an experiments are generated. The template includes all the default hyperparameter values, as well as the tunable hyperparameter ranges.
_id (ObjectID): Unique Identifier of this Template object
name (String): Name given to this pipeline template
json (SubDocument): JSON representation of this pipeline template
json (SubDocument)
created_by (String): Identifier of the user that created this Pipeline Template Object
insert_time (DateTime): Time when this Pipeline Object was inserted
The Pipeline collection contains all the pipelines registered in the system, including their details, such as the list of primitives and all the configured hyperparameter values.
_id (ObjectID): Unique Identifier of this Pipeline object
name (String): Name given to this pipeline
template_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key): Unique Identifier of the Template used to generate this pipeline
template_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key)
json (SubDocument): JSON representation of this pipeline object
created_by (String): Identifier of the user that created this Pipeline Object
An Experiment is associated with a Dataset, a subset of its Signals and a Template, and represents a collection of Dataruns, executions of Pipelines generated from the Experiment Template over its Signals Set.
_id (ObjectID): Unique Identifier of this Experiment object
name (String): Name given to describe the Experiment
project (String): Name given to describe the project to which the experiment belongs
project (String)
template_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key): Unique Identifier of the Pipeline used
dataset_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key): Unique Identifier of the Dataset to which the Signals belong to.
signals (List of Foreign Keys): A list of Signal IDs from the Dataset associated with this Experiment
signals (List of Foreign Keys)
created_by (String): Identifier of the user that created this Experiment Object
insert_time (DateTime): Time when this Experiment Object was inserted
The Datarun objects represent single executions of an Experiment, and contain all the information about the environment and context where this execution took place, which potentially allows to later on reproduce the results in a new environment.
It also contains information about whether the execution was successful or not, when it started and ended, and the number of events that were found in this experiment.
_id (ObjectID): Unique Identifier of this Datarun object
experiment_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key): Unique Identifier of the Experiment
experiment_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key)
pipeline_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key): Unique Identifier of the Pipeline used
pipeline_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key)
start_time (DateTime): When the execution started
start_time (DateTime)
end_time (DateTime): When the execution ended
end_time (DateTime)
software_versions (List of Strings): version of each python dependency installed in the virtualenv when the execution took place
software_versions (List of Strings)
budget_type (String): Type of budget used (time or number of iterations)
budget_type (String)
budget_amount (Integer): Budget amount
budget_amount (Integer)
num_events (Integer): Number of events detected during this Datarun execution
num_events (Integer)
status (String): Whether the Datarun is still running, finished successfully or failed
status (String)
insert_time (DateTime): Time when this Datarun Object was inserted
The Signalrun objects represent single executions of a Pipeline on a Signal within a Datarun.
It contains information about whether the execution was successful or not, when it started and ended, the number of events that were found by the Pipeline, and where the model and metrics are stored.
datarun_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key): Unique Identifier of the Datarun to which this Signalrun belongs
datarun_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key)
signal_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key): Unique Identifier of the Signal used
signal_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key)
model_location (String): URI of the fitted model
model_location (String)
metrics_location (String): URI of the metrics
metrics_location (String)
num_revents (Integer): Number of events detected during this Signalrun execution
num_revents (Integer)
status (String): Whether the Signalrun is still running, finished successfully or failed
Each one of the anomalies detected by the pipelines is stored as an Event, which contains the details about the start time, the stop time and the severity score.
_id (ObjectID): Unique Identifier of this Event object
signalrun_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key): Unique Identifier of the Signalrun during which this Event was detected.
signalrun_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key)
signal_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key): Unique Identifier of the Signal to which this Event relates
start_time (Integer): Timestamp where the anomalous interval starts
stop_time (Integer): Timestamp where the anomalous interval ends
severity (Float): Severity score given by the pipeline to this Event
severity (Float)
source (String)
num_annotations (int): Number of Annotation associated to this Event.
num_annotations (int)
insert_time (DateTime): Time when this Event Object was inserted
The Event Interaction collection records all the interaction history related to events.
_id (ObjectID): Unique Identifier of this Interaction object
event_id (ObjectID): Unique Identifier of the Event to which this event relates
event_id (ObjectID)
action (String): Action type performed on this event, such as delete, split, and adjust
action (String)
created_by (String): Identifier of the user who interacted with the target Object
insert_time (DateTime): Time when this Event Interaction Object was inserted
Each Event can have multiple Annotations, from one or more users. Annotations are expected to be inserted by the domain experts after the Datarun has finished and they analyze the results.
_id (ObjectID): Unique Identifier of this Comment object
event_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key): Unique Identifier of the Event to which this Annotation relates
event_id (ObjectID - Foreign Key)
tag (String): User given tag for this event
tag (String)
comment (String): Comment text
comment (String)
created_by (String): Identifier of the user that created this Annotation Object
insert_time (DateTime): Time when this Annotation Object was inserted