Source code for orion.core

"""Orion Core module.

This module defines the Orion Class, which is responsible for the
main anomaly detection functionality, as well as the interaction
with the underlying MLBlocks pipelines.
import json
import logging
import os
import pickle
from typing import List, Union

import pandas as pd
from mlblocks import MLPipeline

from orion.evaluation import CONTEXTUAL_METRICS as METRICS

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Orion: """Orion Class. The Orion Class provides the main anomaly detection functionalities of Orion and is responsible for the interaction with the underlying MLBlocks pipelines. Args: pipeline (str, dict or MLPipeline): Pipeline to use. It can be passed as: * An ``str`` with a path to a JSON file. * An ``str`` with the name of a registered pipeline. * An ``MLPipeline`` instance. * A ``dict`` with an ``MLPipeline`` specification. hyperparameters (dict): Additional hyperparameters to set to the Pipeline. """ PIPELINES_DIR = tuple( dirname for dirname, _, _ in os.walk(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pipelines')) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(dirname) + '.json')) ) PIPELINES = tuple(os.path.basename(pipeline) for pipeline in PIPELINES_DIR) DEFAULT_PIPELINE = 'lstm_dynamic_threshold' def _get_mlpipeline(self): pipeline = self._pipeline if isinstance(pipeline, str) and os.path.isfile(pipeline): with open(pipeline) as json_file: pipeline = json.load(json_file) mlpipeline = MLPipeline(pipeline) if self._hyperparameters: mlpipeline.set_hyperparameters(self._hyperparameters) return mlpipeline
[docs] def __init__(self, pipeline: Union[str, dict, MLPipeline] = None, hyperparameters: dict = None): self._pipeline = pipeline or self.DEFAULT_PIPELINE self._hyperparameters = hyperparameters self._mlpipeline = self._get_mlpipeline() self._fitted = False
def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self._pipeline == other._pipeline and self._hyperparameters == other._hyperparameters and self._fitted == other._fitted ) def __repr__(self): if isinstance(self._pipeline, MLPipeline): pipeline = '\n'.join( ' {}'.format(primitive) for primitive in self._pipeline.to_dict()['primitives']) elif isinstance(self._pipeline, dict): pipeline = '\n'.join( ' {}'.format(primitive) for primitive in self._pipeline['primitives']) else: pipeline = ' {}'.format(self._pipeline) hyperparameters = None if self._hyperparameters is not None: hyperparameters = '\n'.join( ' {}: {}'.format(step, value) for step, value in self._hyperparameters.items()) return ( 'Orion:\n{}\n' 'hyperparameters:\n{}\n' ).format( pipeline, hyperparameters )
[docs] def fit(self, data: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs): """Fit the pipeline to the given data. Args: data (DataFrame): Input data, passed as a ``pandas.DataFrame`` containing exactly two columns: timestamp and value. """ if not self._fitted: self._mlpipeline = self._get_mlpipeline(), **kwargs) self._fitted = True
def _get_outputs_spec(self): outputs_spec = ["default"] try: visualization_outputs = self._mlpipeline.get_output_names('visualization') outputs_spec.append('visualization') except ValueError: visualization_outputs = [] return outputs_spec, visualization_outputs @staticmethod def _build_events_df(events): events = pd.DataFrame(list(events), columns=['start', 'end', 'severity']) events['start'] = events['start'].astype('int64') events['end'] = events['end'].astype('int64') return events def _detect(self, method, data, visualization=False, **kwargs): if visualization: outputs_spec, visualization_names = self._get_outputs_spec() else: outputs_spec = 'default' outputs = method(data, output_=outputs_spec, **kwargs) if visualization: if visualization_names: events = outputs[0] visualization_outputs = outputs[-len(visualization_names):] visualization_dict = dict(zip(visualization_names, visualization_outputs)) else: events = outputs visualization_dict = {} return self._build_events_df(events), visualization_dict return self._build_events_df(outputs)
[docs] def detect(self, data: pd.DataFrame, visualization: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Detect anomalies in the given data.. If ``visualization=True``, also return the visualization outputs from the MLPipeline object. Args: data (DataFrame): Input data, passed as a ``pandas.DataFrame`` containing exactly two columns: timestamp and value. visualization (bool): If ``True``, also capture the ``visualization`` named output from the ``MLPipeline`` and return it as a second output. Returns: DataFrame or tuple: If visualization is ``False``, it returns the events DataFrame. If visualization is ``True``, it returns a tuple containing the events DataFrame followed by the visualization outputs dict. """ return self._detect(self._mlpipeline.predict, data, visualization)
def fit_detect(self, data: pd.DataFrame, visualization: bool = False, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """Fit the pipeline to the data and then detect anomalies. This method is functionally equivalent to calling ``fit(data)`` and later on ``detect(data)`` but with the difference that here the ``MLPipeline`` is called only once, using its ``fit`` method, and the output is directly captured without having to execute the whole pipeline again during the ``predict`` phase. If ``visualization=True``, also return the visualization outputs from the MLPipeline object. Args: data (DataFrame): Input data, passed as a ``pandas.DataFrame`` containing exactly two columns: timestamp and value. visualization (bool): If ``True``, also capture the ``visualization`` named output from the ``MLPipeline`` and return it as a second output. Returns: DataFrame or tuple: If visualization is ``False``, it returns the events DataFrame. If visualization is ``True``, it returns a tuple containing the events DataFrame followed by the visualization outputs dict. """ if not self._fitted: self._mlpipeline = self._get_mlpipeline() result = self._detect(, data, visualization, **kwargs) self._fitted = True return result
[docs] def save(self, path: str): """Save this object using pickle. Args: path (str): Path to the file where the serialization of this object will be stored. """ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) with open(path, 'wb') as pickle_file: pickle.dump(self, pickle_file)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path: str): """Load an Orion instance from a pickle file. Args: path (str): Path to the file where the instance has been previously serialized. Returns: Orion Raises: ValueError: If the serialized object is not an Orion instance. """ with open(path, 'rb') as pickle_file: orion = pickle.load(pickle_file) if not isinstance(orion, cls): raise ValueError('Serialized object is not an Orion instance') return orion
[docs] def evaluate(self, data: pd.DataFrame, ground_truth: pd.DataFrame, fit: bool = False, train_data: pd.DataFrame = None, metrics: List[str] = METRICS) -> pd.Series: """Evaluate the performance against ground truth anomalies. Args: data (DataFrame): Input data, passed as a ``pandas.DataFrame`` containing exactly two columns: timestamp and value. ground_truth (DataFrame): Ground truth anomalies passed as a ``pandas.DataFrame`` containing two columns: start and stop. fit (bool): Whether to fit the pipeline before evaluating it. Defaults to ``False``. train_data (DataFrame): Training data, passed as a ``pandas.DataFrame`` containing exactly two columns: timestamp and value. If not given, the pipeline is fitted on ``data``. metrics (list): List of metrics to used passed as a list of strings. If not given, it defaults to all the Orion metrics. Returns: Series: ``pandas.Series`` containing one element for each metric applied, with the metric name as index. """ if not fit: method = self._mlpipeline.predict else: if not self._fitted: mlpipeline = self._get_mlpipeline() else: mlpipeline = self._mlpipeline if train_data is not None: # Fit first and then predict method = mlpipeline.predict else: # Fit and predict at once method = events = self._detect(method, data) scores = { metric: METRICS[metric](ground_truth, events, data=data) for metric in metrics } return pd.Series(scores)