Docker Usage

Draco comes configured and ready to be distributed and run as a docker image which starts a jupyter notebook already configured to use draco, with all the required dependencies already installed.


The only requirement in order to run the Draco Docker image is to have Docker installed and that the user has enough permissions to run it.

Installation instructions for any possible system compatible can be found here

Additionally, the system that builds the Draco Docker image will also need to have a working internet connection that allows downloading the base image and the additional python depenedencies.

Building the Draco Docker Image

After having cloned the Draco repository, all you have to do in order to build the Draco Docker Image is running this command:

make docker-jupyter-build

After a few minutes, the new image, called draco-jupyter, will have been built into the system and will be ready to be used or distributed.

Distributing the Draco Docker Image

Once the draco-jupyter image is built, it can be distributed in several ways.

Distributing using a Docker registry

The simplest way to distribute the recently created image is using a registry.

In order to do so, we will need to have write access to a public or private registry (remember to login!) and execute these commands:

docker tag draco-jupyter:latest your-registry-name:some-tag
docker push your-registry-name:some-tag

Afterwards, in the receiving machine:

docker pull your-registry-name:some-tag
docker tag your-registry-name:some-tag draco-jupyter:latest

Distributing as a file

If the distribution of the image has to be done offline for any reason, it can be achieved using the following command.

In the system that already has the image:

docker save --output draco-jupyter.tar draco-jupyter

Then copy over the file draco-jupyter.tar to the new system and there, run:

docker load --input draco-jupyter.tar

After these commands, the draco-jupyter image should be available and ready to be used in the new system.

Running the draco-jupyter image

Once the draco-jupyter image has been built, pulled or loaded, it is ready to be run.

This can be done in two ways:

Running draco-jupyter with the code

If the Draco source code is available in the system, running the image is as simple as running this command from within the root of the project:

make docker-jupyter-run

This will start a jupyter notebook using the docker image, which you can access by pointing your browser at

In this case, the local version of the project will also mounted within the Docker container, which means that any changes that you do in your local code will immediately be available within your notebooks, and that any notebook that you create within jupyter will also show up in your notebooks folder!

Running draco-jupyter without the draco code

If the Draco source code is not available in the system and only the Docker Image is, you can still run the image by using this command:

docker run -ti -p8888:8888 draco-jupyter

In this case, the code changes and the notebooks that you create within jupyter will stay inside the container and you will only be able to access and download them through the jupyter interface.